Japanese [Ⅲ-19] Conversations used for work during business. / Short and easy 300 sentences. / Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! Hello. In the process of learning a foreign language, 'listening' is the basic and essential subject of all language learning. Memorize with your unconsciousness! The sentences you have learned will stay in your memory for a long time through repeatedly hearing from natives. Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! We have selected a series of the most frequently used sentences by natives We will constantly create new series to allow our users learn new languages faster and easier Follow the sentences and improve your language skills! Thank you. [Detail] Pronunciation from a native. Female : (F-) Male voice : (M-) mother tongue : [F-] [M-] Slowly reading : F---, M--- Please share. Thank you. Have a nice day^^ = USA, UK World Language School = https://www.youtube.com/channel/...
2월, 2021의 게시물 표시
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Chinese [Ⅲ-18] Travel(Restaurant, Traffic, Shopping, Hotel, Airport) / Short and easy 300 sentences. / Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! Hello. In the process of learning a foreign language, 'listening' is the basic and essential subject of all language learning. Memorize with your unconsciousness! The sentences you have learned will stay in your memory for a long time through repeatedly hearing from natives. Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! We have selected a series of the most frequently used sentences by natives We will constantly create new series to allow our users learn new languages faster and easier Follow the sentences and improve your language skills! Thank you. [Detail] Pronunciation from a native. Female : (F-) Male voice : (M-) mother tongue : [F-] [M-] Slowly reading : F---, M--- Please share. Thank you. Have a nice day^^ = USA, UK World Language School = https://www.youtube.com/channe...
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Japanese [Ⅲ-17] Key conversation patterns for daily life. / Short and easy 300 sentences. / Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! Hello. In the process of learning a foreign language, 'listening' is the basic and essential subject of all language learning. Memorize with your unconsciousness! The sentences you have learned will stay in your memory for a long time through repeatedly hearing from natives. Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! We have selected a series of the most frequently used sentences by natives We will constantly create new series to allow our users learn new languages faster and easier Follow the sentences and improve your language skills! Thank you. [Detail] Pronunciation from a native. Female : (F-) Male voice : (M-) mother tongue : [F-] [M-] Slowly reading : F---, M--- Please share. Thank you. Have a nice day^^ = USA, UK World Language School = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3_fiww...
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Japanese [Ⅲ-16] Conversation patterns used in daily life. / Short and easy 300 sentences. / Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! Hello. In the process of learning a foreign language, 'listening' is the basic and essential subject of all language learning. Memorize with your unconsciousness! The sentences you have learned will stay in your memory for a long time through repeatedly hearing from natives. Follow us while looking/hearing at the video and sounds! We have selected a series of the most frequently used sentences by natives We will constantly create new series to allow our users learn new languages faster and easier Follow the sentences and improve your language skills! Thank you. [Detail] Pronunciation from a native. Female : (F-) Male voice : (M-) mother tongue : [F-] [M-] Slowly reading : F---, M--- Please share. Thank you. Have a nice day^^ = USA, UK World Language School = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3_fiww...
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중국어 100문장 / Section [01] / Type F F F / 연속 듣기. / 짧고 쉬운 100문장. / 중국어 동영상과 음성을 보고 들으면서 크게 따라 읽어보세요! 안녕하세요. 외국어를 배우는 과정에서 ‘듣기’는 모든 언어 학습의 기초이고, 꼭 해야만 하는 필수 과정입니다. 동영상과 음성을 보고 들으면서 크게 따라 읽어보세요! 감사합니다. [Types] Pronunciation from a native. Female : F Male voice : M mother tongue : [F], [M] Slowly reading : F--, M-- 공유 부탁드립니다.^ 감사합니다. 유튜브 : 한국 - World Language School https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKE-PSIE9s5WwTRggwc7BCw 1 现在才坦白说出来。 이제야 털어놓으시는 군요. 2 要一起吃午饭吗? 점심 같이 하시겠습니까? 3 这里可以放一会儿我的包吗? 여기에 제 가방 좀 둬도 될까요? 4 坏事传千里。 나쁜 소식은 빨리 퍼진다. 5 等了很久吧? 오래 기다렸지? 6 那个自有其价值。 그건 그만한 가치가 있어요. 7 这个多少钱? 이거 얼마에요? 8 非常冷。 엄청 추워요. 9 打出租车很辛苦。 택시 잡느라 힘들었어요. 10 您的眼睛肿了。 당신 눈이 부었습니다. 11 他不可能准时来。 그가 제시간에 올 리 없어. 12 去看看吧。 한번 가보자. 13 为什么去了那里? 거기에 왜 갔습니까? 14 我确认一些事情。 뭐 좀 확인해 볼게요. 15 我有 失眠症。 나는 불면증이 있어요. 16 我刚吃完早饭。 나는 이제 막 아침 식사를 끝냈다. 17 真是件害羞的事情! 정말 창피한 일이네! 18 怎么敢。 어떻게 감히. 19 冷水机坏了。 냉수기가 고장 났어요. 20 那孩子可能迷路了。 그 아이는 길을 잃었을 겁니다. 21 希望原谅我。 나를 용서해주길 바래요. 22 有雨伞吗? 우산 있어요? 23 是用优惠价买的。 할인된 가격으로 샀어요. 24 夫人好吗? 부인은 ...